DAY4 : FINOLAB Award Day | 4F2021

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DAY4 : FINOLAB Award Day | 4F2021

Award ceremonies for FINOPITCH and Japan Financial Innovation Award (JFIA) as well as a keynote message are scheduled.
The judges will decide the Grand Prize based on the pitches presented on DAY1. In addition to that, the Sponsors Award and Audience Award will be announced, then, the award ceremony will follow.
Also, we will announce the Grand Prix and Category Excellences at ‘JFIA’, which recognizes financial innovation initiatives, out of the winners in each category published on January 29 (Friday), and hold the award ceremony.

February 26 (Friday) | DAY4 : FINOLAB Award Day

FINOPITCH2021 Award Ceremony led by Makoto Shibata
Keynote Message 2 by Mr. Brett King
JFIA2021 Award Ceremony led by Makoto Shibata

 FINOLAB and FINOVATORS decide ‘JFIA 2021’ winners
 ~Recognizing financial innovation initiatives, the Grand Prize will be announced on February 26 (Friday)~

■Keynote Message:Introduction of Mr. Brett King
Futurist, Author, Speaker
Founder and Chairman, Moven
Brett King is famous as the Founder and Executive Chairman of neo-bank Moven. He is also a bestselling author of future prediction, known for ‘Bank 4.0’, ‘Augmented’, etc., as well as an award-winning speaker ad well-known radio program host. In the past three years alone, he has spoken on the future of finance in more than 50 countries.

FINOPITCH2021 Grand Prize and award-winning companies
JFIA2021 Grand Prix and Category Excellence-winning companies
Mr. Brett King
Makoto Shibata (FINOLAB), etc.

Chris Wells

FINOPITCH授賞式、Japan Financial Innovation Award (JFIA)授賞式、キーノートメッセージを予定。DAY1にてお届けしたピッチをふまえて審査員が大賞を決定するほか、スポンサー賞、オーディエンス賞を発表し授賞式をお届けします。また、1月29日(金)に発表した金融イノベーションの取り組みを表彰する「JFIA」における大賞および各カテゴリ優秀賞を発表し、授賞式を行いました。

2月26日(金) | DAY4 : FINOLAB Award Day

FINOPITCH2021 Award Ceremony
Keynote Message 2 Brett King氏
JFIA2021 Award Ceremony


■Keynote Message:Brett King氏 ご紹介
Futurist, Author, Speaker
Founder and Chairman, Moven
ブレット・キングは、ネオバンクMovenの創設者及び会長として有名であるが、「Bank 4.0」や「Augmented」などで知られる未来予測のベストセラー作家、各種受賞歴のある講演者、著名ラジオ番組ホストといった様々な顔も持っている。最近3年間だけで50ヶ国以上において金融の未来について講演している。

FINOPITCH2021 大賞および各賞受賞企業の皆さま
JFIA2021 大賞および各カテゴリ賞受賞企業の皆さま
Brett King氏

Chris Wells(クリス・ウェルズ)

“4F” is an annual event for various stakeholders of financial innovation to gather and discuss their future action.
As we came to recognize the “Vulnerability” of the entire society because of the COVID 19, we have set the “RESILIENCE” as the main theme of 4F this year to discuss response of financial service using digital technology.


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