Der Dritte Raum - Kommit (Harthouse) Albumteaser

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Album Releasedate: 17.09

According to sociological definition, DER DRITTE RAUM is a place that should provide a balance between work and family. A more appropriate name for an electronic music project couldn't be more original. DER DRITTE RAUM was infinitely lacking in Corona times. No clubs, no encounters, little compensation.

Andreas Krüger, who lives in Berlin, invites everyone with his new DER DRITTE RAUM album KOMMIT. And we're all happy to come along. Back to the clubs, dance till dawn. Pure energy, fun and joie de vivre. KOMMIT embodies a new beginning, the reset button, the flight in the spaceship into better times and endless worlds. And the titles of the album indicate the direction of this journey: "Kommit", "Andromeda Mission", "Gummihammer", "Transporterraum" or "Dicke Disco". The earth is not enough for this music. It creaks, smells of sweat, glides elegantly into strange, but also well-known worlds. One surprising detail. "Come on" is sung. Anke Hachfeld from the Göttingen band Mila Mar. Years ago, Anke and Andreas met in a hippie country flat in the Göttingen area.

Andreas Krüger started with DERE DRITTE RAUM three decades ago as a techno project. At a party in the early 90s, he gave Sven Väth a demo tape. He landed on the record multinational Virgin Records through his Harthouse label, which brought him into the English single charts with his techno classic "Hale Bop" at the end of the 90s. Stylistically, DER DRITTE RAUM has changed over time, but without losing its uniqueness.

2021 Harthouse / UCM.ONE GmbH

#DerDritteRaum #Techno #Harthouse
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