Dr Stavros Nicolau on Post COVID 19 - From Port Elizabeth 0055

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On 22 July 2020 Dr Stavros Nicolaou from Aspen Pharmacare - as a guest speaker at the BLC Attorneys 'coffee morning' - presented a Post COVID-19 scenario titled; "A New Inclusive Economic Future for South Africa Delivering an Accelerated Economic Recovery Strategy"

In the address, one of the topics Dr Stavros Nicolaou addresses is; "What is required to drive fundamental change."

According to him and BSA (Business for South Africa):

1. Unlock SMMEs by improving SA’s Ease of Doing Business ranking.
2. Accelerate economic transformation by sustainable B-BBEE and Gender Equality.
3. Attract capital to deliver inclusive growth by improving SA’s Global Competitiveness ranking.
4. Greater policy certainty to enable SA to compete for funding.
5. Agree on key national projects and policy interventions.
6. Effective and timely implementation via appropriately capacitated resources.

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