dType ver. 2.0 & Lens Lecture - Solidity Summit 2020, Ethereum

253 Aufrufe
If a decentralized, blockchain-based OS will ever exist, it will contain its type definitions in its on-chain boot sequence.

This is a call to arms towards unifying types across languages. I don’t think the blockchain revolution has ended and we are betting it will restart on other vectors than money. Defining types on chain guarantees that blockchain programmers will be part of the next software revolution.
I view the blockchain as a citadel for common resources and computable standards. Many might say that this is very hard to actually achieve. But I cannot think of a higher scope and goal than this one, and this is why I donated my time to this cause.

dType is by far the most intellectually satisfying and elegant project that I have ever worked on. Because it embodies the values that I cherish the most: transparency and unity. Unity, through folding the basic building blocks of software: types.

Original video: https://youtu.be/lhjo2FuU4v0?t=7320
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