Dutch Panzer Howitzer 2000NL Self-Propelled Artillery “Shoot And Scoot” Live-Fire Exercise–Lithuania

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A Royal Netherlands Army mobile artillery unit assigned to NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup in Lithuania recently had a chance to fire their guns for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The Panzer Howitzer 2000-NL self-propelled guns were used to conduct a live-fire exercise at Pabradė Training Grounds alongside their Lithuanian counterparts. With their ability to “shoot and scoot” – conduct fire missions and then quickly move to cover – mobile artillery plays a crucial role in many Allied militaries. For this exercise, forward observers from Germany and Norway helped coordinate the strikes. Footage includes shots of Panzer Howitzers from the Netherlands and Lithuania firing and moving, as well as interviews with Dutch and Lithuanian artillery commanders.

Courtesy Video

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