Eighty Seven - A Tribute to Helloween, Launching Eighty Seven Band at Eagle Fly Free

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Band Eighty Seven dibentuk pada Desember 2019 yang diawali dari obrolan santai Tu Rah (vocal) dan Pras (drummer) pada saat kumpul – kumpul anggota di basecamp Paguyuban Eighty Seven yaitu Reborn Music Studio.

Pras yang juga adalah gitaris band DeJavu ingin menyalurkan hasratnya untuk bermain drum, seperti halnya Tu Rah yang juga ingin mencoba kemampuan olah vocalnya. Muncullah ide mereka berdua untuk membentuk sebuah band yang mengusung tribute band Helloween yang didasari oleh kesukaan terhadap band heavy metal asal Jerman tersebut.

Dari para personil beberapa band dalam paguyuban mulailah dicari penggemar musik dari band Helloween. Awalnya sempat terjadi bongkar pasang personil karena beberapa poin penting yang diharapkan oleh Tu Rah sebagai vokalis adalah mereka yang betul – betul penyuka dan penggila band Helloween dari hati, sebagai modal dan ruh dari band tribute to Helloween ini.

Hingga akhirnya bergabunglah Yogi (gitar 1) dari band Asli Metal, Dek Aris (gitar 2) dari band Overcast, serta Mang Paping (bass) dari band Phobia, yang ternyata juga penyuka band Helloween.

Nama Eighty Seven sendiri diambil dari nama Paguyuban yang dirasa pas dan mewakili “kegilaan” para personilnya terhadap band Helloween itu sendiri.

Namun pada saat band mulai penggarapan beberapa lagu, Dek Aris yang juga menjadi salah satu gitaris band Eternal Madness memutuskan untuk hengkang karena kesibukannya di band tersebut.

Rencana launching band pada bulan Maret akhirnya terpaksa ditunda karena pandemi COVID-19, namun pencarian gitaris pengganti tetap diteruskan. Tu Rah menyodorkan nama Gus De yaitu gitaris dari band Parau yang sudah cukup dikenal. Dengan bermodalkan kesukaan terhadap genre music metal akhirnya Gus De memutuskan bergabung dan menggantikan posisi Dek Aris.

Penggarapan lagu tribute to Helloween tetap berlanjut dengan formasi band Eighty Seven terbaru yang diisi oleh: Tu Rah (vocal), Pras (drum), Mang Paping (bass), Yogi (gitar 1) dan Gus De (gitar 2).

Sampai suasana New Normal dimulai pada bulan Agustus 2020, maka diputuskanlah untuk launching band sekaligus memperkenalkan Paguyuban Eighty Seven kepada publik lewat aksi Bakti Sosial dan Parade Band yang dimotori Wie Dozzer dan Gus De Adnyana selaku pendiri dan penggagas Paguyuban Eighty Seven.

Tema “Eagle Fly Free” yang diambil dari salah satu hits Helloween pun disepakati karena dianggap mewakili peralihan suasana isolated akibat pandemic menuju new normal.

Tanggal 9 Agustus 2020 pun dipilih menjadi hari lahirnya Eighty Seven Band. Meskipun masih baru, namun band ini diisi oleh wajah-wajah lama yang siap meramaikan kancah music rock di Bali, khususnya band pengusung tribute.


The Eighty Seven band was formed in December 2019 which began with a casual chat between Tu Rah (vocals) and Pras (drummer) during a gathering of members at the Paguyuban Eighty Seven basecamp, Reborn Music Studio.

The two of them came up with the idea to form a band that carries the tribute band Helloween based on their love for the heavy metal band from Germany.

From the members of several bands in the association, music fans began to look for the Helloween band. Initially there was a break-up of personnel because some important points expected by Tu Rah as a vocalist were those who really like and are enthusiasts of the Helloween band from the heart, as the spirit of this tribute to Helloween band.

Finally, Yogi (guitar 1) from Asli Metal band joined, Dek Aris (guitar 2) from Asli Metal band, and Mang Paping (bass) from the band Phobia, who was also a fan of the band Helloween.

The name Eighty Seven itself is taken from the name Paguyuban which is considered appropriate and represents the “madness” of its personnel towards the Helloween band itself.

However, when the band started working on several songs, Dek Aris, who was also a guitarist for the band Eternal Madness, decided to leave because of his busy life in the band.

With a burning passion to be able to launch in March 2020 with the theme March of Time which means "Unstoppable", the search for a replacement guitarist began. Tu Rah offers the name Gus De, a guitarist from the band Parau who is well known and with his love for metal music, finally he decided to join and replace Dek Aris.

However, the cultivation of tribute songs to Helloween continued with the formation of the band Eighty Seven, which was filled by: Tu Rah (vocals), Pras (drums), Mang Paping (bass), Yogi (guitar 1) and Gus De (guitar 2).

Until the New Normal atmosphere started in August 9, 2020, it was decided to launch the band as well as introduce the Eighty Seven Paguyuban to the public through a seriously packaged event in the form of Social Service activities and Band Parade

The theme of "Eagle Fly Free" which was taken from one of Helloween's hits was also agreed upon because it was considered to represent a transition from an isolated atmosphere due to the pandemic to a new normal.
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