Elon Musk Integrates DOGECOIN into Twitter!!! [I'm Excited!] ☝️

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Elon Musk integrates DOGE into Twitter [I'm excited] after seeking lawsuit ($258 BILLION) dismissal! HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW!

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0:00 - Elon Musk Integrates DOGECOIN into Twitter!!!
0:25 - Elon Musk’s $258 Billion Lawsuit
1:21 - Remember when Musk promoted Doge on SNL?
2:05 - Why does Elon Musk promote Dogecoin?
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3:59 - Did Elon Musk know this?
5:21 - Elon Musk asks judge to DISMISS lawsuit
5:37- Elon Musk Integrates DOGECOIN into Twitter!!!
6:53 - Why this is just the BEGINNING! Dogecoin in SPACE!

**Note: My overall opinion is that the name of the game is to accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible. Alts are interesting but a lot more speculative. I use them to accumulate more Bitcoin.

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