Environment Committee Meeting - 07 Aug 2020

187 Aufrufe
Agenda HTML: https://cityofrehoboth.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/52625?handle=AF4BC783E39942849EFE9C6D086F868D
Agenda PDF: https://cityofrehoboth.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/52624?handle=D2FFD01FEA0741B9BFC745CF4ECF78B4

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes – Meeting held on July 1, 2020

4. Correspondence

5. Old Business

Further discussion of possible finalizing proposal on single-use plastic products, 5G developments resulting from discussion with Board of Commissioners.

6. New Business

A. Preliminary discussion on Climate Action Plan and early actions regarding idling ban, turn off lights in City Hall at night, encourage adoption of resilient building code and better compliance with re...

Discussion of gardening, bird, bee, butterfly friendly trees and other plantings, composting, pesticides i.e. Round Up or chlorpyrifos.

Preliminary discussion of impervious surfaces policies resulting from a previous presentation by City staff, Evan Miller.

Discussion of a possible semi-annual environmental lecture series.

Candidates for Vice Chair.

7. Discuss items to include on future agendas.

8. Set next meeting date.

9. Citizen Comment

10. Adjournment

11. Signatures - Will not print in agenda

10. Committee Member Comments

Agenda HTML: https://cityofrehoboth.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/52625?handle=AF4BC783E39942849EFE9C6D086F868D
Agenda PDF: https://cityofrehoboth.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/52624?handle=D2FFD01FEA0741B9BFC745CF4ECF78B4
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