ERLC Webinar Key Strategy 2: Contextualizing Curricular Priorities:Inclusion in the Time of COVID-19

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The UP College of Education is launching its free webinar series on Education Resilience and Learning Continuity in the Time of COVID-19. A total of 17 free webinars will be given based on the following:

8 Key Strategies for Education Resilience and Learning Continuity in the Time of COVID-19
1. Prioritize teacher and student safety, health, and well-being.
2. Recalibrate curricular and assessment priorities.
3. Enact flexible learning options.
4. Empower families for home-based learning.
5. Lead for resilience and innovation.
6. Redesign the learning environment.
7. Evaluate education financing
8. Create new knowledge.

Webinar Session 5
Contextualizing Curricular Profiles: Inclusion in the Time of COVID-19
by Darlene D. Echavia, Lutze-Sol Aplaon Vidal, Frances Olivia M. Magtoto, and Myra Trinidad T. Tantengco
June 30, 2020 | Tuesday | 10 a.m

About the Speakers:

Prof. Darlene D. Echavia “Teacher Darlene” earned her Bachelor's degree in Speech Pathology in UP Manila. After some years of practice, she went on to take her Masters in Special Education at the UP College of Education in UP Diliman. After her graduation, she was asked to join the SPED faculty. She recently finished her PhD in SPED and continues to teach in the College of Education.

Prof. Lutze-Sol Aplaon Vidal “Teacher Lutze” earned her bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees in Education - all Major in Special Education - from the U.P. College of Education. As an assistant professor in the Special Education Area of the U.P. College of Education, she handles courses in psychoeducational assessment, inclusion and methods at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and supervises undergraduate practicum students.

Prof. Frances Olivia M. Magtoto “Teacher Lia” is an Assistant Professor at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Her work includes the mentorship of special education majors in curricular and instructional planning, research and teaching. She has rendered technical assistance to the Department of Education through research and training on giftedness and inclusive education.

Prof. Myra Trinidad T. Tantengco “Teacher Maiti” is a Professor of Special Education at the University of the Philippines College of Education in Diliman, Quezon City. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences at UP Manila and her Master’s Degree in Special Education at UP Diliman. Professor Tantengco is a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Major in Special Education. Professor Tantengco was actively involved in research on Inclusive Education. She is interested in the education of gifted learners, particularly those from the marginalized sector of society.
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