III NextGen Webinar Series Insolvency & Restructuring at The Time of Covid-EMEA Part 1 (May 2020)

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III NextGen Webinar Series
Insolvency & Restructuring at The Time of Covid-19

Thanks to the work of the NextGen sub-committee, we are pleased to announce that the III is hosting a webinar program for III and NextGen members, as well as non-members on the days listed below.

May 28th at 10:00 am EDT
Focus on EMEA - Session 1
Moderator: Carlo Ghia (Italy) with
Panelists: Christoph Paulus (Germany), Jochem Hummelen (The Netherlands), Domenico Benincasa (Italy), and Natalie Scoones (United Kingdom)

The Scope of the project is to share information regarding the impact of Covid 19 on insolvency and restructuring proceedings focusing essentially on the following arguments:

Commercial/insolvency urgent measures adopted worldwide revisiting fundamentals of (i) company law: (i.e. capital maintenance, adequate assets, going concern, subordination of claim for new finance, and other aspects), and of (ii) insolvency law (i.e. modifications to restructuring plans)
-Impact of Covid-19 on Courts and their organizations
-"Private" negotiations between debtors, creditors and stakeholders; or strengthening judicial proceedings? Which could be the best solution to manage the emergency and the post-emergency?
-Specific problematics of each State in approaching the Covid-19 emergency
Impact of Covid-19 on specific sectors of business (tourism, airlines companies, automotive, railways, insurance, etc.)
-What's next?
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