Expert View on Bubbles and Anti-Bubbles

169 Aufrufe
In this episode of Blockchat with Diego Parrilla, the author of the bestseller called The Anti-Bubbles and Managing Partner at Quadriga Asset Managers, we mainly dive into the context of the book which mainly presents a practical implementation guide on how to make money from the ‘anti-bubbles’ such as gold, volatility, and correlation, and exposes common implementation mistakes, such as the debate between gold vs gold equities and physical vs paper; instruction in 'how to avoid the bubbles’ (e.g. duration, government bonds, credit, high yield, emerging markets, and equities). We also discuss the hidden risks of volatility, the concept of false correlation, and have an insightful debate on the topic of the institutional adoption of crypto and the value drivers behind cryptocurrencies.

Webcast host: Patrick Lowry, CEO, Iconic Holding

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