FAST/FREE Methods for Cards | Steam Awards 2022 | GUIDE

94 Aufrufe
Forgot to mention the FREE DAILY CARD and STICKER. Updated guide:
Want to know the fastest and free ways to get cards for the Steam Awards 2022? Want to level your account fast? Well, sales like these are the best times to do so. This video shows you everything you need to know about the sale and how to collect cards. It goes through all means of getting cards, from spending money to getting them for free daily. It's super simple.

Steam Awards 2022:
Fz LevelUP BOT Profile:
Fz LevelUP BOT Steam group:

0:00 - Explanation
0:15 - Claim stickers for chat
0:38 - Get FREE cards from voting
1:49 - Get 1 FREE card DAILY (Discovery queue)
2:51 - Steam Awards 2021 Badge Info (Max level?)
3:25 - Get cards from purchasing games on the Steam Store
3:49 - FASTEST METHOD: Crafting badges
4:08 - FASTEST WAY to craft Steam Badges (Extension)

#Free #SteamAwards #Badge
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