FileMaker and Node-Red - An alternative to Claris Connect? - Marcel Moré

197 Aufrufe
We do not only take a deep look into Node-Red in comparision to Claris Connect. You will also learn about the basic concepts in building Flows and get some starting points for your own projects.

• Node-Red vs. Claris Connect, what is the common ground? Where are the differences?
• We learn about the advantages of a mature open source platform.
• We build some basic flows.
• We deploy an own WEB-API in 3 simple Steps.
• We take a look at the Node-Red FileMaker Plugin and learn about the possibilities.

Your takeaways:
• Quick-Start demo for your own Node-Red adventure.
• Basic reference with starting points for installation, deployment, learning materials.
• Some ideas of the broad scenarios and huge possibilities in Hardware-Integration, IoT, WEB-APIs, FileMaker-Integration, access to Cloud-Services.

Sneak Peak:
• Don't miss the second Node-Red session tomorrow!
• We will build a live Dashboard for FileMaker Server on the foundation of Node-Red.

Second Node-Red session:

This is a session from presented by:

Informationsdesign Marcel Moré

For more info check out:

Intro & Outro by:
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