France Opens Borders To Bi-National Couples

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Cross Border Couples: France Opens Borders To Bi-National Couples

France opens border to unmarried couples

After an intense campaign from unmarried couples who had been separated due to travel bans put in place

France has joined the list of 9 other European countries who will now allow partners and families to reunite.

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Cross Border Couples: France Opens Borders To Bi National Couples

France Welcomes Cross Border Couples and joins Switzerland, Finland joined Denmark, Germany, Norway, Netherlands, Iceland, Austria, and the Czech Republic in allowing someone from a third national country to join their partner in one of these countries provided that they can show evidence of their relationship.

There have been several campaigns to get travel bans lifted for unmarried couples who live together, such as Love Is Not Tourism and Love Is Essential, and by using the hashtags #LoveIsEssential and #LoveIsNotTourism on social media.

After the campaigns, the European Commission confirmed that it encouraged all EU countries to allow the entry of unmarried partners of EU citizens and residents into the EU without a delay.

French citizens and residents can apply for a pass (laissez-passer) for the other partner to enter the territory.

Couples must present documents at their local consulate to show evidence of one partner’s proof of residence, identity documents and return transport tickets.

France's Secretary of State in charge of tourism, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, announced that a procedure would be put in place to get couples back together.

France is setting up a specific system for life partners separated by the closing of borders.

From this week, an application for a laissez-passer can be submitted to the consulate the closest. This virus does not like love, we do - Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

They must also show proof that the relationship is lasting and sentimental, showing common invoices, bank accounts, rental lease agreements and passport stamps of frequent visits to the country.

There are specific rules which vary across different EU countries.
in the Netherlands, relationships must pre-date Covid-19 by three months and in the Czech Republic, couples must make solemn declarations to confirm the relationship exists.

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