FREEDOM STATE | Jim Kroft - home acoustic

156 Aufrufe
Hey everyone, this is a song called "Freedom State" which I wrote originally as an instrumental. It features in the documentary in that original demo instrumental state, sitting underneath my contemplations as I finally reach the Pacific and try to digest the state of the world.

I'm really proud of the recording produced by Jonathan Kluth - please let me know which version you prefer!

Album version on Spotify etc:

In the home acoustic version I was messing around with different verbs and somehow managed to get this big Cathedral effect glued on the vocal. I couldn't get it off, but then just though that it suits the darkened nature of the songs and at that feeling of vastness rendered by the Pacific and exhaustion and feeling so uncertain of things.

It's either a happy accident or a disastrous mistake haha - but I like to commit sometimes to those curiosities of the process.

Have a lovely day and thank you for dropping in on the channel - you are most welcome to subscribe if you'd like to follow future acoustic adventures in the future x Jim
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