G-d forbid! leaders who stop Jews from coming to Israel

172 Aufrufe
Jews abroad, listen carefully
Don't listen to communities' leaders who tell
you: "Do not come to Israel" beware of them
They are liars; they know nothing, guessing
through the mind of the 'Sitra achra'
Even if they have beards or bright "white" faces
This is the "white snake"
Do not believe them. They are liars
Come to Israel, you will live
Do not listen to them
They do not like it when one is telling the truth
They want to hear lies, Because of the money
They tell you not to come to Israel,
not because they care about you
They want you to stay in France, England,
Germany, and the U.S, because of the money
Not for the sake of your lives, but for
the money. They make money out of it
All communities' leaders and their assistants,
Jewish communities around the world
They make money at your expense:
"Do not come to Israel, be careful. It is
dangerous today in Israel"
The creator of the world, the Almighty,
The Holy One, Blessed be He
Says to all those who hold back
Jews from coming to Israel:
Don't you dare! Don't you dare!
You will regret it, and your
repentance will not be accepted
This is - going against God
G-d brought you antisemitism to make you flee
Brought Corona virus to make you leave there
Still people get smart: "Do not come to Israel"
This is a Disgrace! It is all for the money
G-d forbid! G-d forbid what will become of
leaders who stop Jews from coming to Israel
Still many people will laugh at what
we are saying now
Watch your tongue
Be careful with what you say. Do not mock
Send them all to the Land of Israel
They will come anyway.
They will not ask you
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