Germany Christopher Street Day parade attracts 35,000 LGBT supporters |

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Germany's Christopher Street Day parade attracts 35,000 LGBT+ supporters.

Christopher Street Day is an annual, European LGBT celebration and demonstration, held in various cities across Europe, for the rights of LGBT people, and against discrimination and exclusion. It is Germany's and Switzerland's counterpart to Gay Pride or Pride Parades.

An annual reminder of LGBT rights, the parade will focus on demands such as the simplification of first names, and changes in civil status for transsexual people, and on the abolition of blood donation ban for gays, bisexuals and transsexuals, among other topics.

The largest gay street party in Europe is held each year since 1993 in Berlin, and is called Lesbian and Gay City Festival. Today Berlin is the leading city in Europe when it comes to gay events, with four major gay festivals held each year: Lesbian and Gay City Festival, Berlin Pride, Folsom Europe and Easter in Berlin. Even a smaller Pride Parade called Kreuzberg Pride, is held every year together with Dyke March.

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