Green Recovery | Expert Panel w/ Adair Turner, Miatta Fahnbulleh, Suzy Morrissey & Robert Palmer

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Ahead of the UK budget announcements on 3rd March 2021, this special parliamentary meeting—co-hosted by the APPG on the Green New Deal and the APPG on Limits to Growth—explores a range of the options available to the Chancellor from government borrowing while interest rates are low, to redirecting de-facto subsidies in fossil fuels to a wealth tax and a new green home for the nation's savings.

The session is chaired by Caroline Lucas MP and Clive Lewis MP.
Invited experts are:

· DR SUZY MORRISSEY, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, New Zealand, former
Policy and Engagement Lead for the Living Standards Framework, NZ Treasury (
· LORD ADAIR TURNER Chair, Energy Transitions Commission (
· MIATTA FAHNBULLEH, Chief Executive, New Economics Foundation (
· ROBERT PALMER, Executive Director, Tax Justice UK (

For further details about our cross-party parliamentary work, please see:

Green New Deal Group:
APPG on Limits to Growth:
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