Grow your own micro greens / Meet startup WinGrow from our Accelerator Program Hardtech Innovation

75 Aufrufe
6 months. 6 startups. 6 realised ideas. 1 demo day.
For sure we have a lot to celebrate on our demo day next week. Especially the WinGrow team because they are … *drum roll* … ready to LAUNCH!

On our demo day, the team will officially launch their online shop! With their product, you can literally turn your windowsill into a little garden! “Our biggest goal for the program was to be online with our online shop by the end of the term and provide our first customers with the opportunity to grow their micro greens with our window vertical farm. And we made it!”

In general, the team is aiming for organic growth and contributing to the food industry transformation step by step.” Their biggest goal in the program is to finish the final prototype, perform the first steps of series production and of course: Build a network. Especially market and business development is their main focus right now. And one of the biggest milestones they have achieved is the launch of

Learnings since the start of the startup accelerator program? “Prototyping is everything! We can only recommend other startups to get into doing, prototyping, and testing as soon as possible. At the same time, it is important to establish many contacts with suppliers as quickly as possible. It can take months before a reliable supply chain is really established. In general, as a startup, you should not overthink everything. Build, measure, learn and DO IT.”

And they DID IT:
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