Ho'Oponopono Song - I Love You - Elena Teixidor (Live from Ibiza - English version)

110 Aufrufe
Elena Teixidor sings the Ho'Oponopono Song for us. I love you, I’m sorry, thank you, please forgive me. This is an ancient Hawaiian conflict resolution system that modern “seekers” have adopted as a powerful act of self-forgiveness. In its most basic terms, if one has a conflict in their life with someone else, the person takes full responsibility for it through the recitation of this mantra. Never forget that love and forgiveness starts with yourself.

The root of Ho’oponopono is “pono.” Daniel Malo, a scholar, described “pono” as “the absolute model of good behavior and values in Hawaiian society.” In other words, pono is an ethical code of conduct that covers a lot of ground. The prefix “ho’o” is a causative, “to do something” or “to make something happen.” So together they mean, in this case, “to make right.”

Elena Teixidor

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