How Covid19 has affected de World of Work for Women Webminar Complete Video

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The Covid-19 has deeply affected our lives both on a personal and professional level. This pandemic crisis has jeopardised standard labour markets’ relationships all over the world by highlighting their major weaknesses.
Gender discrimination, together with challenges that women are confronted in everyday life, is one of them. These challenges are faced by women struggling to reconcile professional tasks required from a «home office» workspace with childcare; moreover, women engaged in either paid or unpaid care work, female workers involved in health & care institution who are working under extreme pressure are suffering – at the same time – from new forms of discrimination regarding health and safety working conditions.
These particular circumstances have stressed challenges in gender discrimination in labour market already existing, such as wage gap, gender participation or the question of the childcare obligations and work-life balance.
We decided to give voice to this situation with the organization of an International webConference/webRound to address these issues from a comparative female point of view. We intend to generate a debate table around these problems and possible ways to face them, considering the structural barriers that limit women´s participation in this New Post-Pandemic World of Work.

PhD Maria Cristina Degoli, UCLouvain, Belgium
“A gender overview about employment relationships in Italy during Covid-19”

Andrea Franconi, LL.M., Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina
“Women facing Covid19: front lines, feminization of the first responses and re-enforcement of gender gaps”

Ceren Kasım, LL.M., University of Göttingen, Germany
“Unveiled Reality - what the pandemic tought us, which we should have known. A gender approached view to the world of work during the pandemic”

PhD Kamila Naumowicz, Assistant Profes sor, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
“A multitasking robot? -some critical remarks on remote work provisions adopted in Poland during COVID-19 and the childcare”

Moderator: Prof. Valerio De Estefano
Institute for Labour Law / Faculty of Law of the University of Leuven
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