How Health Tech startups can expand abroad with the assistance of the Trade Council

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As a health tech startup, how do you get help from Denmark’s embassies and the Trade Council when going into new markets? How do you leverage their knowledge to expand abroad? How can they guide you when you’re scaling your health tech startup internationally?

Get the answers to these and many more questions at this event from March 2021 where you get to hear from three representatives from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the Innovation Center Denmark (ICDK) and the Trade Council.

This event also invited two Health Tech cases that have used the assistance of UM the Trade Council to expand abroad: Visiana & O2matic. Hear their advice on expanding abroad and their take on how to get the most out of the collaboration with the Danish embassies and the Trade Council.

This event was broadcasted on March 11th 2021.
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