How To Edit Your Save File In Stoneshard (v0.5.9.4)

196 Aufrufe
I’ve compiled a list of changes you can make to the save file depending on what you are wanting to do. Everything from hoards of crowns and experience, to resetting the Troll quest, to obtaining the legendary Supremacy of Flame, to just renaming your save file. I’ve found more things that are possible to change after compiling the video so if requested, I can craft a shorter part 2.

------------------------------ Disclaimer ------------------------------
The development team for Stoneshard will not be held responsible if your save files become corrupted while editing them.
------------------------------ Disclaimer ------------------------------

Tools - Download NotePad++ - 2:06
NotePad++ is the ideal tool because you can undo changes after saving, you can also view the data in a formatted version that will make more sense

Make sure to backup your save folder!
Find save data by opening Windows Explorer and typing %AppData% in the address bar. After that go back to the root folder then choose Local.

Part 1 – Crowns, Stat Points, Attribute Points and Experience - 7:05
Search by using CTRL + F to find the following:
Crowns – “Stack”
Experience – “XP”
Ability Points – “AP”
Stat Points – “SP”

Part 2 - Reputation - 14:25
Search by using CTRL + F to find “reputation”. Look for the one that is not associated to a specific location

Part 3 – Reset Troll Hunt Quest - 18:45
Step 1) Remove “TrollHunt” from journalTasksCompleted
Step 2) Add “TrollHunt” to journalQuests
Step 3) Replace the “TrollHunt” quest code under the Quests section with the following or copy and paste from another character who has the quest unlocked but not started yet (IE. just accepted after first visit to Mannshire):
"TrollHunt": { "Description": "TrollHunt_KillTroll_desc", "Tasks": [ "TrollHunt_FindTower", 1.000000, 0.000000, "TrollHunt_KillTroll_desc", "TrollHunt_KillTroll", 1.000000, -1.000000, "TrollHunt_KillTroll_desc", "TrollHunt_GetReward", 1.000000, -1.000000, "TrollHunt_GetReward_desc" ], "Name": "TrollHunt", "IsComplete": 0.000000 },

Part 4 – Character Creation - 26:17
Change “playerClass” property to one of the following:
Reaver – “o_reaver”
Revenger – “o_revenger”
Maiden Knight – “o_knight_maden”
Woodward – “o_woodward”
Runaway Sorceress – “o_runaway_wizzard”
Verren – “o_verren”
Change base stats by looking for the following:
Strength – “STR”
Agility – “AGL”
Perception – “PRC”
Vitality – “Vitality”
Willpower – “WIL”

Individual skills will need to be matched back to their actual name in the game. Some match 1 to 1, others don’t. Make sure the first value is selected to 1.000000 to unlock and select.

Part 5 – Equipment - 32:49
Check the “weapons.csv” file in the game directory for reference. Make sure to change the name and ID of the piece of equipment. It is easiest to use a similar piece of equipment as the base then use an enchantment scroll to reset to the actual weapon stats.

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