How to get Alexa to tell you if you may have COVID or Coronavirus

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These can be challenging times… many of us have questions and concerns about COVID-19 or coronavirus. Amazon has enabled Alexa with a skill that can help you learn more about your risk of getting COVID. Here’s what it can do…

Using guidance from the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Alexa team built an experience that enables you to use Alexa to check your symptoms at home, using just your voice.

Ask, “Alexa, what is my risk of getting the coronavirus?” or, if you’re speaking to Alexa in French, “Alexa, quel est le risque de contracter le coronavirus?” and Alexa will ask a series of questions about your symptoms and possible exposure.

Based on your responses, Alexa will provide the Public Health Agency of Canada guidance that matches your risk level and symptoms.

I answered all the questions and was told I’m at very low risk for having COVID.

Alexa an also share current stats by province on COVID 19

Overall this is a handy and timely skill! Thanks for checking out this video. If you want to read more about Alexa’s skills or check out reviews of any of the Amazon Echo devices, they’re all here
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