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HOW WE TAKE CARE OF ORCHIDS WE LOVE is a video that showcases the beautiful and colorful dendrobium orchids and looks into some simple and practicable caring tips for their growth and development. Growing orchids is, indeed, and source of joy and fulfillment. It is also a good stress reliever, especially at this time where most people have to stay at home for their safety and health during this COVID 19 pandemic.

We take care of our dendrobium orchids the "organic way," - not using chemicals but according them with what we term as the "banana peel treatment," to provide for their Potassium needs; "egg shell treatment" for their Calcium requirements; and tender loving care.

The "banana peel treatment" is done by cutting the banana peelings into small pieces and putting them in a container with water for 24 hours; then using this to water the orchids. Moreover, the "egg shell treatment" is a common practice in our country for orchids care - we put the the fresh egg shells in a container with water for some time, and then, likewise, used in watering the orchids. Added to these, tender loving care is done by using water-spray in watering the orchids to prevent soaking in much water; watering them on the base to keep the leaves dry; wiping the wet leaves softly with cotton to prevent these from getting too wet that causes the leaves to have brown spots and get rotten; checking any insect infestation etc.

With these practicable caring routines, the dendrobium orchids either bloom or produce "baby orchids" that would later be transplanted in other pots.
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