Improvised interview with Engel

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The Covid pandemic has placed Maths back on the map again...and not just statistics but the kind of calculus we learn during the last years of highschool. Mathematical models of what is going on have become popular in 2020/2021 and people are consulting internet sites showing them,
and discussing with each otehr based on graphs of curves. One year after its emergence the SARS-CoV-2 population has accumulated over 75 mutations so that decrease caused by lockdowns compete with large infection incidences resulting in scaring dynamics!

In an improvised, spontaneous interview we asked Joachim Engel some basic questions concerning the models for growth ad decay of infections'numbers in a country like Germany. Timo Leuders provided dynamic iconic representations based on simulations (by means of the dynamic tool Cinderella) of curves that model the dynamics of infections in actual scenarios.

Joachim Engel is both a mathematician and a Mathematics educator. He specialized in nonparametric curve estimation and signal detection applying methods of Harmonic Analysis and kernel regression to biomedical growth curves and economics. Today he is also known for his fundamental contributions in Statistics Education, investigating students’ comprehension of randomness and variability. He has promoted the introduction of computer intensive methods, based, for instance, on bootstrap procedures. His experience on didactical methods for explaining functions and their uses for modeling real world problems is reflected in his widely used highly successful textbook on applying functions for modeling based on data. Since September 2019 he is president of IASE.
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