James Rickards: The economists are wrong – the worst is yet to come

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Welcome to my channel where experts share their knowledge. For this video, I'm interviewing the economist James Rickards. He has written a book called The Great New Depression where he gives a dark glimpse of the next years. Let’s hear, what he has to say!

Beware of the New Great Depression

About the book
The current crisis is not like 2008 or even 1929. The New Depression that has emerged from the COVID pandemic is the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. Most fired employees will remain redundant. Bankruptcies will be common, and banks will buckle under the weight of bad debts.
Deflation, debt, and demography will wreck any chance of recovery, and social disorder will follow closely on the heels of market chaos. The happy talk from Wall Street and the White House is an illusion. The worst is yet to come.

About James Rickards
James Rickards is the Editor of Strategic Intelligence, a financial newsletter. He is The New York Times bestselling author of The New Great Depression (2020), Aftermath (2019), The Road to Ruin (2016), The New Case for Gold (2016), The Death of Money (2014), and Currency Wars (2011) from Penguin Random House. He is an investment advisor, lawyer, inventor, and
economist, and has held senior positions at Citibank, Long-Term Capital Management, and Caxton Associates.
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