Kontrol Energy Technology Could Detect COVID-19 In Big Buildings I Small Cap Stocks

186 Aufrufe
If Google NEST is the leader in smart home technology, then Kontrol Energy (KNR:CSE) is the small cap equivalent for smart building technology. More than just lip service, their established Blue Chip customer base includes:

Beyond Meat
Oxford Properties
Brookfield Asset Management
Suncor Energy
….. Many More

Moreover, they've signed a major deal wth Toyota (Tsusho Canada), targeting 200 plants requiring up to $1 million each in automation retrofits.

CONCLUSION? When Kontrol Energy says they are entering a 4-week testing phase - with an independent lab - to determine if their technology can detect COVID-19 in the air of big buildings, you need to take the news seriously. You know who else took it seriously? The National Research Council, who granted Kontrol $50,000 to conduct the test. The amount may seem small but that's because KNR has already done most of the leg work already and is now in the final 4-week testing phase.

If successful, the implications could be enormous for their Tier-1 client base, as well as, all commercial buildings, government buildings, schools and other big essential locations that need to find a way to start bringing people back. In short, Kontrol Energy's BioCloud Analyzer could have a major impact on the North American economy.

Watch (or listen to) this powerful interview with Kontrol Energy CEO, Paul Ghezzi.

Watch this interview or listen by Podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify or your favourite podcaster.
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