Lesson 3 | The Genomic Response to COVID-19

208 Aufrufe
Since 2016 a collaborative and interdisciplinary community of world-leading scientists has been working together with the aim to build a Human Cell Atlas — a collection of maps that will describe and define the cellular basis of health and disease. The central approach is based on the use of single cell genomics and computational biology to generate unique IDs for each type of cell in the body (eg neurons in the brain, lung epithelial (lining) cell, heart muscle cell, skin cell etc) from healthy as well as diseased tissues and organs. In response to COVID-19 these same scientists are now investigating the response of individual human cell types to COVID-19 infection. In this session cardiac molecular biologist, Dr Michela Noseda, one of the scientists contributing to this work, will be discussing how she has adapted her single cell genomics projects, which focus on cardiac disease to investigate the response to COVID-19 at a single cell level. She will be joined by Zuzanna Jablonska and Elsa Lawrence, both currently undertaking the MSc in Genes Drugs and Stem Cells, and involved in her research.

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