How our kids learn piano lesson during Covid 19 pandemik #onlinepianolesson #thebeginner

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Is Our Kids Online Piano Lessons Really Work? Can Kids Really Learn Piano Online?
This is one of our kids piano online class since the Covid 19 outbreak in March 2020. They have a weekly class during Saturday/Sunday for one hour duration.

In this video, Irsyad is learning his first lesson on Fur Elise piano piece and Izzara is still with her piano basic learning.

They also learn about the a musical prodigy; Saint-Saëns was a musical prodigy; who made his concert debut at the age of ten!

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns (9 October 1835 – 16 December 1921) was a French composer, organist, conductor and pianist of the Romantic era. More about him:

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