Mains 2020 Discussion | GS - 3 | Science & Technology by Ayaz Khan Sir | UPSC CSE/IAS

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Dear UPSC Aspirants,

UPSC is conducting Civil Services Mains Examination 2020 and the General Studies 3 (Paper IV) was held on 10.01.2021.

In this video, Mr. Ayaz Khan will be analysing the questions from Science and Technology sections of the General Studies 3 . He will be guiding you through the sources and the structures of the answers. A detailed list of the same will be provided shortly on the website of the Next IAS.

List of questions being discussed in the video:

Q5.What do you understand by nanotechnology and how is it helping in health sector? (Answer in 150 words)

Q6.How is science interwoven deeply with our lives? What are the striking changes in agriculture triggered off by science-based technologies? (Answer in 150 words)

Q15.COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented devastation worldwide. However, technological advancements are being availed readily to win over the crises. Give an account of how technology was sought to aid management of the Pandemic. (Answer in 250 words)

Q16.Describe the benefits of deriving electric energy from sunlight in contrast to the conventional energy generation. What are the initiatives offered by our government for this purpose? (Answer in 250 words)

Ayaz Khan Sir is a senior faculty of Science and Technology at Next IAS. He is well-known for his excellent conceptual clarity and presentation skills with an enormous teaching experience of over 12 years. He has guided a huge number of successful candidates including many top rankers.

We hope that the video proves to be helpful to the aspirants who have appeared this year and to those, who are to appear in the coming years, in understanding the nature and the sources of the questions and the way in which the answers have to be written keeping in mind the structure, within the word limits.

NEXT IAS offers GS PRE CUM MAINS FOUNDATION COURSE for General Studies to give students an edge in IAS examination. India’s Best GS team will guide you to understand this examination. The course has started on 7th January 2021 in LIVE ONLINE MODE. Offline Course will be started from 25th FEB 2021. Admission is open.
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