ME/CFS Awareness Day - Mirame Arts

74 Aufrufe
We were there at the ME/CFS Awareness Day in front of the Reichstag on May 12, 2023.
There we were able to talk to people affected by ME/CFS as well as to Prof. Dr. Scheibenbogen from the Charité in Berlin. We also listened to speeches from her and her colleague Prof. Dr. Uta Behrends (TU Munich) and the politicians Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Vice of the Bundestag / Bündnis90 Die Grünen) and Erich Irlstorfer (CSU).

A great event. At 4 p.m. there was a reclining demo, organized by the ME Hilfe association, Millions Missing Germany and the German ME/CFS Society.
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