Memphis Willcox- Gospel Days (Official Video)

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Memphis Willcox has faced a lot of obstacles in trying to get this music video/short film made for his new song "Gospel Days". Through hell and high water he got it done! He thought it would be special to release this wonderful song about God on Easter weekend! He has worked remotely in this covid-19 pandemic with director Jason O'Brien of Fast Lane Productions. Together they made a wonderful work of art that tells a story of hope, redemption, love, God, and finding the light through the darkness. We all have had a rough time in this past year and Memphis wanted to bring some light back to these dark trying times! Memphis met a really wonderful dancer named Jerry Hogan who lives in Nigeria, Africa! Jerry and Memphis really hit it off musically and they decided to work together on this music video/short film project! Jerry is a phenomenal dancer who dances based off of how the music makes him feel! That is how Memphis records his music as well, always about the feel!! This is a very Memphis, Tennessee tradition that goes way back to the early Sun Records blues recordings and remains a strong part of the true Memphis style of music recording to this day! Please keep Memphis in your thoughts and say a prayer for him to be healed and have a safe surgery later this month on his neck. He will be down for a few weeks, but through the grace of god and the surgery he will be back and better than ever soon! We hope you enjoy this and we wish you all a Happy Easter/Passover weekend! God bless EVERYONE!!! #Gospel #Rock #Country #God #Jesus #Jewish #Christian #Buddhist #Muslim #Hindu #Memphis #Knoxville #LA #NYC #Nigeria #UK #France #Germany #Israel #China #India #Love #Peace #Understanding #Forgiveness #addiction #recovery #culture
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