MING Stack for Industrial IoT: MQTT + InfluxDB + Node-Red + Grafana

100 Aufrufe
Practical demo on how to deploy a MING Stack and build a demo IIoT Solution using HiveMQ MQTT Broker, InfluxDB, Node-Red, and Grafana.

00:00 Welcome and introductions
02:53 The value of using stacks when programming
08:20 The MING stack
11:12 What is balena?
20:58 The demo introduction
23:22 How to deploy the MING stack on balena
26:37 Q&A - k8s and Portainer on balena?
30:47 Node-RED Configuration to Collect Modbus and OPC UA Data
39:17 Q&A - how to scale the MING stack?
42:20 Modelling and storing the data in InfluxDB
51:08 Grafana configuration and Dashboard Creation
54:47 HiveMQ MQTT bridge extension configuration
59:15 Wrap-up
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