Advancing the Fifth Industrial Revolution

212 Aufrufe
Earlier industrial revolutions broke existing boundaries with creative disruption. The 5th Industrial Revolution will disrupt as well - by means of heightened digitalization - but with humanity and humility as it shall make the world better rather than just more efficient. How can the Fifth Industrial Revolution help us beat COVID-19? And what is India’s role in it?

• Ravi Chaudhry, Chairman, Cenext Consulting Group, India
• Sridhar Raju Gadhi, Founder & Executive Chairman, Quantela Inc., India
• Archish Mittal, Founder, Sakura Peace Institute, India
• Thomas Wu, Founding Partner, DGNI German Society, Germany
• Aroop Zutshi, Global President & Managing Partner, Frost & Sullivan, USA
Chaired by
• Vivek Atray, Visiting Professor, Shoolini University, India
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