*NEW* THE REAL 0-60 MPH of Teslas SLOWEST CAR! 2020 Standard Range Plus Model 3 Speed Test.

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THE REAL 0-60 MPH of Teslas SLOWEST CAR! 2020 Standard Range Plus Model 3 Speed Test.

So today we test out the standard range plus UK models 0-60. With mix reviews and different sources i wanted to find out for myself. All roads are national speed limit, even though the sat nav is getting them wrong on occasion. All 60MPH.

Is the standard range plus a fast or slow car ?

Sorry about the audio clipping, will sort for next video.

I think the car is capable of 0-60 in 4.9 maybe 4.8 if everything was perfect. Today we saw 5.03 as the fastest time. Tesla state it can achieve 0-60 in 5.3 seconds.

Intro song - Ultra | Trap Type Beat/Rap Instrumental
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