One Silent Night - Virtual Concert - 7 PM EST

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Since May 2020, when COVID 19 forced much of the world to be put on lockdown, Music Camp International pivoted to a virtual format to keep the message of hope alive, and to keep children connected and communicating— not only in their towns and villages and cities—but across national boundaries and continents and oceans.

“One Silent Night” is our third virtual concert, with over 60 children from five countries— Romania, Ukraine, Kenya, India, and the USA! The children are dressed in traditional costumes—some of them wearing outfits that were made over 100 years ago by a great-grandmother. Others are wearing traditional costumes indicating a region of their native country. It is a picture of “coming togetherness”—from all over the world with a message of hope and dignity.

Our first Carol, “Christmas Kumbaya,” highlights our theme—“Come By Here” or “Come Together”. The third verse is sung in Swahili—the mother tongue of our children from Kenya. From wherever you are and whatever your situation, stop and take in the magic of the moment.

The rendition of “On This Still, Silent Night” captures our title with possibly the world’s most beloved carol, “Silent Night” and “Still, Still, Still”—both from Germany. This is followed by perhaps Ukraine’s best-known carol—“Shedryk” or “The Ukrainian Bell Carol” as it is popularly known. It is played on beautiful English Handbells by our Music Camp International teachers.

“For Unto Us A Child Is Born,” the finale sung by the children, is from perhaps the most performed oratorio in the world—Handel’s “Messiah”. This selection, adapted for young voices, is at the apex of the Christmas portion of this major work, putting some of the greatest choral music ever written within the reach of younger, less experienced singers while maintaining the integrity and orchestral fabric of the piece.
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