Phasmophobia Update vom 12.01.2021- Alle Änderungen

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Hier die Original Patchnotes vom 12.01.2021:
Update January 12, 2021
Steam | Beta Branch

The ghost can now open doors, closets and lockers when hunting which can be stopped by holding the door. The ghost will still walk through doors like it did before.

The ghost can now hear Non-VR players when hunting in single player without you using push to talk.
The ghost can now open locker doors similar to normal doors.

Fixed several "safe spots" in all levels.
Fixed a bug where the ghost would get stuck when trying to navigate to a location it couldn’t reach such as a closet or locker.
Fixed a bug where you couldn’t change the difficulty to professional if you were below level 25.

Update #2

Improved the ghosts path finding to player locations if they are inside a closet or locker.
Slightly increased the distance the ghost can hear you.
Slighlty increased the amount of times the ghost will open doors during hunts.

Fixed a bug where the ghost could see your through the side of the lockers.
Fixed a bug where push to talk would turn off for the host in the main menu.
Fixed a bug where the ghost couldn’t open locker doors.
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