Phasmophobia Update vom 22.01.2021- Alle Änderungen auf Deutsch

202 Aufrufe
Also keine Major Buffs oder Nerfs dieses mal aber einige gute und wichtige kleine Fehlerbehebungen die im Prinzip mehr Lebensqualität bieten anstelle von echten Gameplay Veränderungen.

Wenn euch solche Patch Rundowns, also das durchgehen der Updates gefallen schreibt es in die Kommentare und gebt mir immer gerne Feedback! ❤️
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Hier die Original Patchnotes vom 22.01.2021:
Update January 22, 2021
Steam | Beta Branch

Added a potential way for players on an internet with strict firewall settings to connect to the server without using a VPN.

Prison: Slightly lowered the volume of the ambient wind sound.

Fixed a bug where ambient sounds were being played at the wrong volumes.
Fixed a bug where ambient sounds were showing too high values on the parabolic microphone.
Potential fix for dead player bodies not always counting as evidence.
Fixed a bug where Non-VR dead player bodies would spawn inside the ground if they were crouched.
Asylum: Fixed some objects that had missing collision.
Fixed a bug where you could place salt through walls and doors.
Fixed a bug where the ghost could turn on the radios when the power was off.
Fixed the missing sounds that the parabolic and sound sensors couldn’t hear on the ghost.

Update #2

Fixed a bug where the quit game button didn’t work on the main menu.
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