Pint of Science 2020: What can a fly teach us about individuality? Dr Maheva Andriatsilavo

151 Aufrufe
Dr. Maheva Andriatsilavo (@maheandria) presented her research at the Pint of Science 2020 event organized by the Berlin team:

How does our brain make us the individuals we are? Some might think we are a product of the genes we inherited from our parents. Others would claim: where and how we grew up made us who we are. Both are right, but we will see that a third component is also part of the game. Thanks to the fruit fly, we will explore how does a brain develop and how this impacts on individual behavior.


Pint of Science DE 2020 was hold online on Septembre 7-9th, 2020.
Next event #pint21: May 17-19th 2021 !


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Video edited by Albane Ruaud (@AlbaneRuaud) for the Pint of Science Germany team :)
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