Polynesian Cultural Center Reopened | Worth a visit? Prices, Discounts, Transportation | Covid19

147 Aufrufe
The Polynesian Cultural Center was closed for months. Due to Covid-19 in Hawaii the PCC was closed. End of January 2021 the Polynesian Cultural Center finally reopened. Worth a visit? https://danielshawaii.com/polynesian-cultural-center-covid-19-soft-reopening/
It was more a soft re-opening of the Polynesian Cultural Center up on the North Shore of Oahu. A LOT HAS CHANGED!
Is it worth a visit at the moment? This video gives important information about what to expect at the Polynesian Cultural Center after the soft-reopening. Prices, Discounts and tips to get to the Polynesian Cultural Center. Check out the Video and find more information about the reopening of the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu here: https://danielshawaii.com/polynesian-cultural-center-covid-19-soft-reopening/

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