Pray for an end to the Covid-19 vol.2, For France (Edited) 第2回新型コロナウイルス終息祈願「能声楽奉納」フランスのために (編集版)

158 Aufrufe
Due to the technical isssue, we had the problem of the sound on live. We uploaded the edited version.
This project is self funded and it would be very helpful to continue the project if you support via Paypal.
本公演は自主企画で開催しています。継続的に公演を行うため、皆様からのご支援をお願いしています。ご支援金はPaypal で受け付けております。

Live-streaming distant session YouTube Live
Noh voice & contemporary music
Pray for an end to the Covid-19 vol.2, For France
4 July 2020 12:30-12:50 (CET) 
Noriko Baba "Nopera AOI" (2015)
Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice, Tokyo) Kazushi Saito (Flute, Tokyo) Asuka Hatanaka (Percussion, Kyoto) Noriko Baba (Composition, Paris)

Technical Director : Umeo Saito
Live Streaming : ToshifumiTsuyama(Hito+Hito Promotion)Hiro Itaya
Sound Operator : Kanae Okakura

supported by the Kyoto City Cultural Arts Activity Emergency Incentive Grant
in collaboration with SHIBAURA HOUSE, AMATI

Noh is a Japanese traditional theatre and Noh performers historically performed for religious rituals; for example, to pray for recovery from illness. Now we are suffering from Covid-19 pandemic. Ryoko Aoki have collaborated with international composers to write new pieces for Noh voice. In this series, we play their pieces to pray for an end to the Covid-19 for the people in the place where composers live. On 30th May, we broadcasted it for Italian people.
On 4th July, we will broadcast YouTube Live vol.2 for people who live in France. We will play “Nopera AOI” composed by Noriko Baba who is based in Paris. Now we can see that many concerts are broadcast without audience, due to the influence of Covid-19 pandemic. In this YouTube Live, we will present you the concert without not only audience but also musicians at the hall. Three musicians will do the live-streaming distant session from each house. Three musicians’ playing will be project on the screen of the empty hall and it will be broadcast.

第2回 新型コロナウイルス終息祈願「能声楽奉納」フランスのために
曲目:馬場法子「Nopera AOI葵」(2015)

ライブストリーミング:津山寿文(Hito+Hito Promotion)板谷洋


第2回は、フランス在住の作曲家・馬場法子による『源氏物語』葵の巻を題材にした「Nopera AOI葵」をフランスの人々に向けて奉納演奏します。青木涼子がwrittenafterwardsの山縣良和による衣装を身に纏い、嫉妬のため生霊となった六条御息所の心の葛藤を、フルートの斎藤和志と打楽器の畑中明香の演奏と共に描きます。また、本企画では「無観客」ライブ配信をさらに進め、演奏家も演奏会場にいない「無演奏家・無観客」ライブ配信を行い「withコロナ」時代のコンサートの在り方を模索します。演奏会場にはそれぞれが自宅からリアルタイムに合奏する3人の映像が映し出され、その様子がカメラを通して視聴者に配信されます。
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