Presidential Address: Slow History

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Virtual AHA | AHA Colloquium | January 6, 2021

Presidential Address: Slow History
Introduction: Jacqueline Jones, AHA president-elect, University of Texas at Austin
Speaker: Mary Lindemann, AHA president, University of Miami

All historians realize how much COVID-19 has interfered with our scholarship and teaching. Everything has slowed down, from preparing for classes, to doing research, to completing the simplest tasks of everyday life. Yet in the upheaval we are currently experiencing, and as we struggle to remain productive, perhaps we should also seize the opportunity to think more deeply about the “doing” of history and to isolate what really matters in research, writing, and instruction. Scholars in other disciplines have been doing so for several years and some have even issued manifestos like the one advocating “slow science.” Should we follow their lead? “Is going slow good for historians as well?”

This video was made possible with the support of the University of Miami's Office of the Dean and Office of Strategic Initiatives, College of Arts and Sciences.

Address sponsored by:
National Endowment for the Humanities:
The Stanton Foundation:
Oxford University Press:

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