Radiate Truth with Fred Hereen

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Fredric Heeren is a science journalist who has written for The Boston Globe, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post, as well as the magazines Scientific American, Smithsonian, New Scientist, ScienceNOW, and the journal Nature. His work has also appeared in the college textbooks Understanding Human Origins and McGraw-Hill’s Physical Anthropology. See a sampling of his science stories at fredheeren.com.

Heeren specialized in big bang cosmology during his first decade of science writing, when he interviewed Nobel prize-winning astrophysicists, NASA team leaders, and theoretical physicists. In more recent years, while writing his next book, he has traveled to fossil sites in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America, covering breaking discoveries in both dinosaur and hominid evolution. His first book has been published in six language versions.

He has spoken to university students around the country, and around the world, about the big bang theory, the history of the universe, the evolution of the world’s largest dinosaurs, and human evolution. Religious organizations have also asked him to speak about different ways to approach the relationship between science and faith.

Heeren founded and runs Day Star Research, a non-profit organization dedicated to improved understanding and peacemaking between people of faith and people without it—with a particular concern that believers learn to separate their holy texts from science, and that everyone sees the difference between what Jesus taught (love, mercy, peacemaking, not judging) and the American Christians (there are several of them) who teach the opposite.

You can find Fred and his writings at EvolutionStory.com. His book, available on Amazon, is Show Me God: What the Message from Space Is Telling Us About God. Join Heeren’s Meetup group, Provocateurs and Peacemakers Meetup, can be found at https://www.meetup.com/ProvocateursAndPeacemakers/. Join their conversations on Zoom.

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