Reactory ~ Reactory (Full Demo)

86 Aufrufe
Reactory ~ Reactory (Full Demo)

Released on December 21, 2010 -

Tracklist -
Don't Play With The Master 00:00
Don't play with the master; the evil lord of hell; his hate is growing faster; his mood is not so well; don't play with the master; cause the master will play with you; don't play with the master; or your nightmares will come true; the meaning of real evil you have never found; so his crawls of revenge will raise up from the ground; his powers of destruction could can never stand; so stop painting pentagrams and quit your poser bands

Warrior Queen 04:23
Living free; riding unleashed; cutting you down; she is unstoppable; on a quest for freedom; a path of blood; out of the law; into the war; warrior queen - enters the battlefield; warrior queen - the sexiest way to be killed; warrior queen - angel of death is for real; warrior queen - the sexiest way to be killed; she won't need any mans help; she will defeat every attack; she is a slayer; a demon in steel; heads gonna roll; blood will flow; bloodspots on your naked sword; body parts all up the road; restless thoughts; rebel heart; a murderer soul to kill them all; live the outlaw life

Thrash And Speed 08:07
Soon comes the day where the posers find their end; we bring you war and hate for metals sake; start the beat and wake the greed just thrash and booze will satisfy; lets drown our heads in alcohol and bang them against the metal storm; thrash and speed is all we need; that's what we live our lives for; thrash and speed is all we need; the only ways in metal; we're on a crusade for the unholy grail; we don't accept any fake for metals sake; beer is running down my throat; the air is filled with sweat and smoke; hammering riffs now shake my blood; the fight is on and there is no return; you just play lame stuff or racist shit; you play it sober or just not real; your lousy music is all i hear; it sounds like shit so i don't even like my beer; thrash and speed is shooting through my spine; thrash and speed is pumping through my veins

Drop The Bomb 11:28
The tanks are rolling in the city's streets; this world is rotten; a global battlefield; nuclear wastelands filled with dead meat; mankind is blinded by the shows on TV; we are slaved to production and there is no way out; so please push the button because in fire we will learn; drop the bomb you must obey; nuclear winter is here to stay; drop the bomb you must obey; it doesn't matter

Gone In The Wastelands 14:04
There is no destination; there is no here; where the desert opens; in the barren wastelands man created; nothing left to feel but fear; but the few who survived the great disaster are rising up out of decay; and the nuclear storm made them play faster; metalmutants out of hell; perverted evolution of rocking zombies keeps the desert rolling; born of evil madness and resurrected; nothing left for them but playing; a thunderstruck once started life; started life - mutant life; now metalmutants crawl the earth; crawling the earth - the afterworld; headbanging metalmutants; the plague is running over the lands; born from metal and driven by hate; living in thrash and surviving the end; mutant metal storm; morbid mutant metalheads - do what they like; playing it tight; rocking the night; gone in the wastelands

Circlepit Of Death 19:11
Dance into insanity; loose your mind in a crclepit of death; priests of metal tell you so; circlepit of death; worship whirling demons now; born to die in a circlepit of death; round the place and move the crowd;cirlcepit of death; stomping the ground - metel addicted - circlepit of death - our obsession - the one thing in life - metal addicted - battlefield of flesh - circlepit of death

From Berlin, Germany -

Website -

Reactory -
Hans Hazard - Vocals
Jerry Reactor - Guitar
Jonny Master - Bass
Stachu Crash - Drums

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