SAVAGE 1983 - Loose 'N Lethal - FULL ALBUM - HQ AUDIO

157 Aufrufe
Heavy Metal | NWOBHM

With several bands emerging to join NWOBHM, the agenda was to move away from traditional metal territory a bit while still being a part of it. This is exactly what Savage did during his debut. The album "Loose N Lethal", without a shadow of a doubt, should be one of the first attempts at speed / thrash in the history of a British band. The presence of staccato riffs makes this release almost one of the harshest, long before the moment it came out. The influence of this little gem on many genres, which emerged a few years later, is undeniable.
This definitely influenced the development of speed and thrash metal.
Metallica covered Let It Loose in their Hit the Lights demo,. I read somewhere that Hatfield discussed with the rest of Metallica the possibility of including the track Let It Loose on a Garage Inc. cover album, and in the end it was decided to abandon the idea.
Unfortunately, the quartet hasn't set too many goals over the years, but has recently gradually gained a steady cult status thanks to Metallica, which borrowed a lot from the stage when they were still a young group. But aside from their high profile fame, better management and better timing could make these guys likely candidates for the scene, if not superstars. I recommend this record to fans of traditional metal and NWOBHM, and fans of Venom and Raven will find another reason to rejoice again.

1.Let It Loose 00:00
2.Cry Wolf 03:16
3.Berlin 07:49
4.Dirty Money 12:39
5.Ain't No Fit Place 17:23
6.On the Rocks 23:00
7.The China Run 26:53
8.White Hot 31:04
9.No Cause To Kill (Bonus) 34:50
10.The Devil Take You (Bonus) 38:39
11.Back On The Road (Bonus) 43:35

Chris Bradley Bass, Vocals (lead)
Andy Dawson Guitars (lead), Vocals
Wayne Renshaw Guitars
Mark Brown Drums
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