SCOG Virtual Lecture Series - Joachim L. Schultze (DZNE, Bonn)

297 Aufrufe
The current pandemic crisis triggered by SARS-CoV-2 leads to very different disease courses of COVID-19 ranging from very mild to very severe with multi-organ failure. A significant number of patients with severe symptoms even succumb the infection. The host’s cellular reaction seems to be of utmost importance and responsible for this heterogenous response to the virus. Clearly, single cell omics can significantly contribute to our understanding of cellular reactions of infected cells and the response of the immune cells towards the infected cells. Over the last weeks, the German COVID-19 OMICS Initiative was established to coordinate NGS-based research efforts in COVID-19 research in Germany and together with colleagues world-wide. I will present initial results from single cell omics studies that are conducted on patient samples derived from COVID-19 patients within DeCOI.

Pre-print can be found here:

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