Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - Archdiocese of Ranchi -Sunday Mass

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Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sunday, 21 June 2020, 9:00 am
Daughters of St. Anne Mother House Chapel, Ranchi

Liturgy of Word
FIRST READING Deuteronomy 7:6-11
RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 103:1-2, 3-4,8,10
SECOND READING 1 John 4:7-16
GOSPEL Matthew 11:25-30

येसु के पवित्रतम हृदय का महोत्सव
21 जून 2020, 9 बजे पूर्वाहन
संत अन्ना मूलमठ प्रार्थनालय, राँची

शब्द समारोह

पहला पाठ - विधि –विवरण ग्रंथ -7:6-11
स्तोत्र - 102: 1-4, 6-8,10
दूसरा पाठ - संत योहन का पहला पत्र -4:7-16
सुसमाचार - मत्ती - 11:25-30

The Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne is the only Religious Congregation founded in Ranchi Archdiocese. It was founded by four tribal girls on 26th July 1897. The process for beatification of the main protagonists of this foundation Mother (Mata) Mary Bernadette Kispotta began in the Archdiocese of Ranchi in 2016. The Congregation is now of Pontifical Right and has over 1300 Sisters, Novices and Postulants who serve mostly in the tribal areas of the country in 24 Dioceses but also in the Vatican, Italy and Germany.
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