Solo Woman Traveled From Germany To UAE In Her Caravan | Curly Tales Dubai

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Meet Jasmin Lorez who traveled from Germany To the UAE in 2019 and covered 17 countries until she got stuck in UAE for 5 months because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Jasmin started her journey in 2018 and drove for 4 months but she had to take a break for 6 months due to her work, so she started her journey again from Germany in May 2019, she drove for more than 37,000 Kms until she got stranded in UAE. Jasmin faced a lot of good & bad times during this journey but she likes to share that her travel was absolutely safe and that she met wonderful & helpful people on her way who even gave her a place to stay during the Pandemic crisis. Jasmin's caravan had everything you need to be on the road for so much time. From a kitchen to a shower area & bedroom to a working space, she had it all covered. Though her journey ended abruptly she hasn't given up the hope for traveling & driving again & would like to spread a message to everyone that if you have the courage to get out of your comfort zone to achieve something, then anything is possible!

#SoloTravel #SoloWomanTravel #UAE #Germany #Covid19 #Pandemic #CountryTravellers #StuckInCovid

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