TACC " The Blue Economy" 4th Industrial Revolution India, France, Germany, USA - Mr. Abundance

193 Aufrufe
The Children of Africa this is a clarion call to action. Covid-19 has shown China's true color when it comes to the Sons and Daughters of Africa. We can no longer stay mute. TACC Management has set aside 100 million coins to payoff Africa's total debt of 431 billion at the time of this broadcast. The coin value will need to appreciate to US$4,500 to accomplish based on coins allocation. Today bitcoin is over US$9,000 which mean TACC at the same value will only need half of assigned amount. Become a TACIAN today https://theabundancecoin.com/?r=wave987 - how to register check out this link: https://youtu.be/vxItGd2PBNM - for more info contact: Whatsapp # +12687793248 [email protected]
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